Wednesday, May 05, 2010

GIRLS IN TRUCKS by Katie Crouch (2008)

Sarah Walters is a Charleston debutante whose perfectly beautiful and smart older sister has fallen off the rails at Yale, planning to run off with a brilliant grad student who looks and acts like an African prince.

Although Sarah tries to adhere the code of decorum prescribed by the Camellias (the deb society to which she belongs as her mother did before her and so on through the generations of genteel Carolinians), she finds it difficult what with the hormonal complication of summer romances with wild Island boys.

When she leaves the South for college and then a career in New York City, Sarah discovers a world very different from the one she was raised to believe in. A particularly toxic affair with a blue-blood called Max leaves Sarah alone to find her way back to who she truly is. On her journey of self-discovery Sarah also discovers truths about her mother that were loosely veiled all along.

GIRLS IN TRUCKS is a delightful and assured debut novel that will have me turning the pages of Katie Crouch's next books.

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